We are always updating inventory, if the product you want is listed as out of stock please contact us. Dismiss

Shrubs & Trees

Aesculus glabra

Ohio Buckeye
Out of stock

Shrubs & Trees

Amelanchier alnifolia

Saskatoon Serviceberry
Out of stock

Shrubs & Trees

Amelanchier arborea


Shrubs & Trees

Amorpha canescens


Shrubs & Trees

Amorpha fruticosa

False Indigo-bush
Out of stock

Shrubs & Trees

Amorpha nana

Dwarf Indigo-bush
Out of stock

Shrubs & Trees

Aronia melanocarpa ‘Galicjanka’

Black Chokeberry
Out of stock

Shrubs & Trees

Aronia melanocarpa ‘Viking’

Black Chokeberry
Out of stock

Shrubs & Trees

Artemisia frigida

Fringed Sage
Out of stock

Shrubs & Trees

Asimina triloba

Common Pawpaw

Shrubs & Trees

Ceanothus americanus

New Jersey Tea
Out of stock

Shrubs & Trees

Ceanothus herbaceus

Redroot New Jersey Tea
Out of stock

Shrubs & Trees

Celastrus scandens

American Bittersweet
Out of stock

Shrubs & Trees

Celtis occidentalis


Shrubs & Trees

Cephalanthus occidentalis

Out of stock

Shrubs & Trees

Cercis canadensis var. canadensis

Eastern Redbud
Out of stock

Shrubs & Trees

Cornus drummondii (Cornus racemosa)

Rough-leaf Dogwood
Out of stock

Shrubs & Trees

Cornus sericea var. sericea

Red-osier Dogwood
Out of stock

Shrubs & Trees

Diospyros virginiana

Common Persimmon
Out of stock

Shrubs & Trees

Ericameria nauseosa var. nauseosa

Dwarf Blue Rabbitbrush
Out of stock

Shrubs & Trees

Euonymus atropurpureus var. atropurpureus

Eastern Wahoo

Shrubs & Trees

Prunus americana

American Plum
Out of stock
Out of stock

Shrubs & Trees

Prunus virginiana

Out of stock

Shrubs & Trees

Quercus macrocarpa

Bur Oak
Out of stock

Shrubs & Trees

Quercus marilandica

Blackjack Oak
Out of stock

Shrubs & Trees

Quercus prinoides

Dwarf Chinkapin Oak
Out of stock

Shrubs & Trees

Quercus robur

English Oak
Out of stock

Shrubs & Trees

Quercus rubra

Red Oak
Out of stock

Shrubs & Trees

Ribes aureum (Ribes odoratum)

Buffalo Currant

Shrubs & Trees

Ribes missouriensis

Missouri Gooseberry

Shrubs & Trees

Rosa arkansana

Arkansas Rose